måndag 11 januari 2010

Läslusen ska sova

Nu ska jag ta och lägga mig och läsa lite. Jag har fått tag på en bok som heter Mary Mary och som är skriven av James Patterson. Den är riktigt spännande. Det var ett tag sedan jag läste men nu har läslusten kommit tillbaka rejält.

Så här lyder sammanfattingen på boken jag läser(orkar inte översätta till svenska)

"Alex Cross, an FBI agent, is on vacation with his family in Disneyland. His new love interest meets them there as well. So he is not too happy to be called back to work. But when he hears what has happened - a famous actress has been shot dead outside her home in Beverley Hills - he hurries back. Adding mystery to the tragedy is the fact that the killer seems to be a woman.
Shortly after the murder, a Los Angelos Times editor receives an email describing the murder, and signed, Mary Smith. More killings are threatened, and sure enough, they happen, with similar emails sent to the same editor. Meanwhile, we read about a woman called Mary Smith, a harried working mother. Her story sounds similar to many families; she gets angry at her children sometimes, but loves them and is trying her best to give them what they need.
The killings continue, and the clues certainly lead to a woman called Mary Smith.
But Alex Cross suspects there is more to the story. Now two men are killed - the killer has broken the pattern of murdering successful young women with children. A cold case of 20 years before and some brilliant detective work by Cross leads him to the real killer."

Mycket spännande som sagt! Jag får se om jag kan rekommendera den, ska läsa ut den först.

James Patterson har ju skrivit en bok som heter I Spindelns nät som de även har gjort till film. Någon av er kanske har sett den? Morgan Freeman spelar huvudrollen som Alex Cross. Filmen handlar om en flicka som blir kidnappad på en skola, men det konstiga är att kidnapparen inte ställer några krav. Alex Cross får i uppgift att utreda detta.

God natt!

- Emma

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